

There are different types of micro-organisms. Some micro-organisms are free-living while others are parasites. Though the word ‘micro-organisms’ are associated with disease for most people, not all micro- organisms are harmful. Micro-organisms can be harmless, beneficial or harmful. Micro-organisms are vital to the environment because they participate in the Earth’s element cycles, like the carbon and nitrogen cycles.

Micro-organisms are involved in the production of oxygen, biomass control and ‘cleaning’ the Earth of remnants of dead organisms. Some micro-organisms are capable of producing so many enzymes necessary for the building up and breaking down of organic compounds. Micro-organisms like bacteria help in decomposition, fermentation, nitrogen fixation, making bread, yogurt, etc.

Mushroom, which belongs to the kingdom fungi, is consumed by people all over the world. Yeast is used in fermentation and making of cheese, yogurt, bread, etc. However, there are micro-organisms belonging to the same groups which are harmful too.


Explore the methods of adaptation and feeding relationships adopted by the organisms and the impact of microorganisms to appreciate different features and roles in them.


  1. Explore different activities in the locality to study the impact of microorganisms in day to day activities.
  2. Explore information on various kinds of STIs and other diseases caused by microorganism to identify their causes, mode of transmission, and prevention.

Science Teacher

Picture of Science Teacher

Class: 6
Subject: Science