Scope: Human Values:


  • Examine one’s own Driglam skills guided by the principles of Driglam Choesum for positive behavioural changes.
  • Behave with positive speech and actions with family, teachers and friends guided by principles of Driglam Choesum (etiquette, culture and religion) for promoting mutual happiness.
  • Act rationally with family, teachers and friends being aware of the importance of respect, obedience, love and care for one’s own happiness.

2. Objective: Will be able : 

  • To define what values means
  • To know how values help on the later-life
  • To the importance & role of Values play in building one's character
  • To know core Values among many other values

3. Content focus of teaching learning:

  • Concepts: Love, care, respect, honesty, sense of belonging, and good relationship Values skills: Care, respect, honesty

4. Pedagogy

Value analysis Approach

The teacher helps students use both rational thinking and emotional awareness to examine their personal feelings, values and behaviours patterns. It helps students become aware of and identify their own values and those of others. The teacher can use strategies such as simulations and role play, guest speakers and videos to practise Driglam skills:

  • Role play

Role plays elucidates a story line with Driglam skills to make it more exciting and fun. Teacher organizes Driglam Dialogue to inspect individual Driglam Skills. Driglam Dialogue discusses, debates and deliberates on the appropriate skills, principles and purpose of Driglam Choesum. Teacher plans and strategizes Driglam Dialogue to explore on WHY (significance) to internalize the value. Driglam Dialogue focuses on examining the skills and principles of Driglam Choesum. Teacher uses the value grid to underscore the examination of value.


  •  Teacher prepares and adapts customized assessment tools (checklist, observation records and others) to assess the observable behaviours on the principles and significance of Driglam Choesum.

  •  The assessment tool should contain descriptors describing the principles of Driglam Choesum, positive words and actions.

  • The students can maintain a journal describing their progression and use of Driglam skills, positive words and actions.

  • Follow up: Use students self-assessed record to identify learning needs and provide support individually or as a whole class approach through extended or reinforcement learning activities.

3. Teacher: Tshewang


Class: 6
Subject: Value Education